Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Love At Last Sight

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survive."
- C.S. Lewis
Have you ever gone through a rough patch or lost a relationship with someone special in your life that left you feeling vulnerable and confused?  Questioning what it was about you that made them not want the relationship as badly as you did?  Maybe even wondering what you could have done to have prevented this train wreck from ever occurring?   I know that I've been there a few times; more than a few times.  For some reason, I feel like I'm just not great at relationships.  Maybe it's because I'm too selfish; maybe it's because I'm too sensitive.  Whatever it may be, I know I don't want to keep living my life like this.  There is too much to miss out on.  Too many special people speaking into my life and I into theirs. 

The relationships of those closest to me are so important to me.  They (as C.S Lewis so wonderfully puts it) give value to my survival.  I think everyone needs to be valued, be loved and appreciated. For me?  I need it , I crave it!  After all, there was a reason God made Eve.  Man was not meant to be alone. Friendships are important.  But we must be attentiveness.  It's natural for everyone to go through seasons and slowly drift apart.  But we must hold dear the relationship that mean the most to us.  I'm sure there is a bunch of you out there that have relationship that you wish were somewhat better than they are now. 

Ecclesiastes 4:9–12  "Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken" 

I had this type of friendship when I was at the lowest of my lows, so I can tell you that this verse is true!  I need my husband and I need my girlfriends.  They all have a place and they all bring something different to my life.  But I'm always wondering... is there something more I can be doing to build these relationship stronger? 

My church has recently started this series (and just in time) called "Love at Last Sight"  challenge by Kerry and Chris Shook. So far, AH-MAZING!  As the book put it; This book is a one-month relationship plan that will improve your most important bonds.  It's about learning that meaningful relationships depend on seeing other people as they are.  Learning to be present in the moment, acting intentionally, risking awkwardness, and learning to let go.  Relationships are a journey.  A great relationship grows from an investment of time and effort.  

Are you looking to better a relationship in your life? 
Then join me!

Since this book has really spoken to me, I want to write about how God is changing my heart through this book.  I am going to try to commit to writing three days a week about how this book is teaching me to "grow and deepen my closest relationships" (as the subtitle of the book says).  Each day is a 2-3 page devotional; so it's not hard reading.  I will also be posting questions from the book that are given at the end of each chapter.  I would LOVE it if you would join me!!!   

Let's better every relationship in our lives.  I promise you, you won't be disappointed!  If you would like to buy the book you can get it at Amazon for pretty cheap.  I would love to hear how God is changing all of your lives through this! For now I will leave you with one of week 1's questions.  

Consider each of your key relationships.
When was the last time you were with each of them?
Do you feel that you have neglected being with any one of them? 

Just some food for thought. ;)
We start Monday!


Lauren said...

Sounds like a great study...I think we could definitely all use a little help in the relationship area! I look forward to hearing your thoughts and following along!

Unknown said...

New follower here!
I just ordered the book! Looking forward to reading it.

More Than Words said...

Wow! This sounds like a WONDERFUL book to read!! I'm going to have to check it out! What a great way to re-evaluate how much effort we put into relationships with our loved ones!

Unknown said...

This sounds like such a great read! I look forward to your posts about it. I was just talking the other day about how important relationships are in my life. It sounds like this study will really help focus on treasuring them.

Kameron said...

I might need to get in on this. I tend to struggle sometimes and it would be nice to see this book's perspective.

sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

I know I've said this before, but you are a seriously gifted writer...such a great post! That book sounds great...I will have to check it out. Thanks for sharing!

Lilly, Reid, Matt, and Sara said...

1. Congratulations on your husband's new job!! That is so exciting!!! Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow!!

2. Your boys are so ridiculously cute!

3. This sounds like such a great study! I am excited to see how it goes! Love seeing God at work. (c: