Thursday, May 26, 2011

Blah Days - Swap Information

Ever have those days when you just want to stay in bed all day and cry? 
Well, that's me today. 
Doesn't help that it's "that" time of the month... (TMI?)

I feel like just crying all day. 
Hiding under the covers until my husband gets home...

Why do I let things get to me? 
Why am I so FREAKING emotional? 
Here you go guys... The real Lyryn. 

A reason why people DON'T like to be around me...
I'm too sensitive.
too needy?!
and the girl who will cry at the drop of a hat.

Anyhow, instead of going on about this I am just going to post a few more pictures from vacation of my little handsome boys who do bring a smile to my face on days like this.

Thank you Jesus for my blessings.

 Oh, they make me happy!!!!
I feel a little less like crying now!



Sonja said...

I can't imagine people not wanting to be around you. You "seem" like a beautiful person. We all have our bad days :)

Hope yours gets better & I'll say a little prayer that it does. xo

Lindsay said...

I think it's better to be emotional then to not be "you" and fake! Sometimes a good cry is what a girl needs! xo

Katie @ Loves of Life said...

hope your day perks up lyr!! let me know if you need help painting!

Adrienne said...

Oh I hope you are feeling better soon!! Your boys are adorable! :)

Aishlea said...

I have felt exactly the same way the past two days. Dang hormones!!! Hope you are feeling better soon.... Those pictures are so good!

Mrs. Dirnberger said...

Hope your day gets better....maybe the LONG weekend will help/?? You are sooo strong, so dont' think otherwise. It takes a GREAT women to go through what you have :)

Tonja said...

Hope you cheer up! I would hang out with ya :) I had a bad day yesterday... and I did cry. Then I cracked out the wine and it was all better :)

Amanda @ New Adventures said...

Hope your Thursday turns around! I am super emotional too- don't worry your not the only one! I got my email and I'm so excited :)

Jessica said...

Love the vacation pictures! What a beautiful family! And yes, I definitely have those days too! I'm sure we all do.

B F said...

Keep your head up! Every woman has those days, you are NOT drama!

Your boys are too cute!

Megan Ashley said...

Oh we all have "those" days! If I lived closer I would love to be around you, I am sure your emotions are just fine :) Love all the pics, the boys are way too cute!

The Life of Susan said...

i'm sorry you're having a tough day! hope you feel better soon. love you!

Sarah said...

Aww girl I hope your day turns around.. your photos are lovely.. you are so beautiful!

Laura @ My Thoughts-Uninterrupted said...

It must be the weather...I'm having one of those not so good days as well! Hope things turn around for you soon!

Cara S. said...

Okay so I am going to just repear something my good ol bloggy buddy emailed me and said... do NOT allow people to rent space in your head. There is no room for that crap and at the end of the day it only makes YOU feel miserable. I love ya girlfriend., me and is on, even if I have to DRAG you out of bed...I WILL!!!

Unknown said...

Blah- those days can be no fun- hope you got a chance to let it all out! =) Your pictures made me smile though- such a cute family!

Jen | Our Life Accounts said...

Those days are the last couple of days haven't been the best as well, I'm just hoping they'll start turning around! Hope yours start getting better!

Moments and Impressions said...

Being emotional isn't bad... it means that you are sensitive. That also mean that you are easily made happy, and laugh too.

angela.kolachny said...

you have a beautiful smile:o) your kids are so lucky to have a mom like you! cheer up, things will be ok one day at a time!

Renae said...

Totally have those days!

I'm glad you decided NOT to hide in bed all day and came out and played with us :-) We had fun!

Ashley said...

Ohhh girl you are awesome for keeping it real!!! You are probably a delight to be around even on your worst days!!

Joeylee said...

I totally know how you feel! I'm in the same boat and my "friend" is here as well which doesn't help.

Jill said...

Been there and done that. Yet I havent in awhile, because I have my little girl and she surely keeps me on my toes for sure.

Today was one of those days that I just felt crappy and I just wanna cry. Maybe because the angelversary of my firstborn daughter is coming up, she will have been gone for 2 years this JUne 1. I cant believe it. So I have been emotional for sure these days.

Oh, I just finished "hot moms handbook" and in there I rememebr reading that it is GOOD to cry. If you dont, it builds up even more and you get stressed and more irritable and what not. so GO AHEAD AND GET A GOOOOD CRY OUT. do it, youll feel better.

ps I got the emial for the flip flop SWAP! Excited!

Unknown said...

Ahhh, hope you are feeling better! We all have those days... emotional or not!

I LOVE your family pictures. Y'all are so beautiful.

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Sorry you had such a rough day. I think it clears me out to have days like that, sometimes. I guess it depends on the situation.

I hope today is better for you. Sending good thought out to you. Your family pictures brightened my days.

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Hoping by now that joy is filling your day! But, we all have "our days" and "our moments." We wouldn't be women if we didn't. :o) Blessings!

Raven said...

hey, we ALL get like that now and then. Even people with a heart of coal like me :)

just kidding, and I am willing to bet that you are super sweet and nice and everyone wants to be YOUR friend because you care. I know I want to be your friend!!

so exited about the swap and to come back and link up!! LOVED your pictures! Those sweet sweet children :)

Brittany Ann said...

We all have those days, trust me:) Just remember, we all think you're awesome and wonderful, as do your husband boys!

Hope things are looking up for you this weekend!

Leslie G said...

Sometimes I get worked up and stressed too- and then, like you, I think about my blessings: the roof over my head, my kids, and my family. Things I shouldn't take for granted. Hang in there, girl!

Anonymous said...

Yes, really.