My husband had gotten two full days off before Ian's arrival, so we could get all the things we needed done and spend as much time with Jayden as we could. It was nice to have daddy home those two days and we did get most things accomplished. Since we had to be at the hospital so early the next morning, we dropped Jayden off at Jesse's parents so that they could bring him the next morning at a more reasonable time for a 2 year old. I tired, let me tell you I tired to get a good 8 hours of sleep that night because I knew I would not be seeing that type of sleep for a while, but knowing myself all too well I was way too excited to sleep.
That morning we woke up at 4am to be at the hospital at 5:30am sharp. Though it sounds CRAZY, I did my hair and put makeup on trying to look as pretty as can be for pictures afterward. I didn't have a single good picture of me after Jayden was born and I was determined to look a little bit put together this time; especially since there was no labor involved this time. As we walked out of our house to meet my mom (who was following us to the hospital) she was floored I had done myself up and started hysterically laughing and said "I have never seen someone about to have a baby look so pretty." I then responded "Mom, that's my point!"
We got to the hospital and they checked us in right away. We got set up in our room, they started my IV and did the last minute things/tests that needed to be done before I went in to the OR. We had about an hour in a half to wait, though it seemed like only 20 minutes. My mom at this point was still teasing me about how I looked. She made Jesse take this picture of me...
Around 8am they were ready to take me in. They lead Jesse and I to the OR and then made him wait as I got my spinal. As I was in there waiting and watching them get things ready my nerves started to get the best of me, but I played it off with laughing and tons of questions to the nurses. The spinal was not bad at all... actually way easier than an epidural. The drugs worked instantaneously!!! I tell you, it's the craziest feeling!
They finally let Jesse in and started working away. I didn't feel a thing, but it felt like forever! But then my doctor said "Is your camera ready? " Jesse jumped to his feet quickly and started taking picture of our little one coming out. (Remember - We didn't know if it was a boy or girl)
He got this amazing shot...Cool or what?! Then before my husband or the doctor could tell me what it was the anesthesiologist shouted out it "IT'S A BOY!!" Jesse and I laughed and then I started to cry. My little boy was here! Healthy, beautiful baby boy; weighing 8lbs 5oz, 20.5 in long! I so enjoyed getting to hold him right away, something I was unable to do with Jayden because I was so out of it with him.

All in all that day was a pretty special day! Our little boy came into the world healthy and we had everyone who is important to us there to share in this special day. We give God all the glory for this little joy in our lives because he is a gift that 2 years ago almost to the day, I never thought we would have. He has brought a piece of healing to this family and gives proof to God's faithfulness and love!
Our little family of three has now become a beautiful family of four.
You look gorgeous in the photos! Good for you!!
love this story and love that you got all ready for the baby :) good idea. I also love that so many loved ones where able to be there and waiting to hear the amazing news :)
I love this!!!!! So happy for you! Hope things are starting to get settled - if that's possible :)
Glad to see you back! Believe me I know how hard it is to bounce back after the 2nd one! Great pictures in the last post too! Ian is precious & Jayden looks so proud!
yay!!!! what a great story! glad to hear you are doing well!!!
I love that you got all pretty to go to the hospital! Good thinking!
Thanks for sharing Ian's birth story! Great pictures! That first photo of Ian is amazing!
Loved the story! We didn't find out what our second baby was either and it was AMAZING when you do find out at their actual birth! Great pics on the previous post for sure :o)
I love birth stories and yours was great!! I have to agree with Mom on look great!!
glad all went well
I think you look beautiful!
I love the pic from the CSection! I am very proud of Jesse!
Beautiful!! The story, the baby & you!! Glad you're doing well!
Loved reading this blog post...every birth has a special story, I'm sure your little Ian will enjoy reading this too one day ;-)
It was so great to spend some time with you the other day!!!
Love it! I loved seeing the announce of it being a boy to cute!
You really do look stunning in your pictures!! And what a cool shot. Wow!
I had 2 c-sections. Lately everyone acts like you are doing something wrong if you don't give birth at home in a pool...It was so easy!! I'd do another one.
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