Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What I’m Loving Wednesday!

I don’t normally link up on things like this…
But I thought it would be a fun, easy thing to do this Wednesday.
So I’m linking up with Jamie at This Kind of Love
For What I’m loving Wednesday

I’m loving that I have a husband who will let me sleep in (because he knows it’s something I love) and will take the kiddos just because he loves me. I’m LOVING him for thinking about me and doing that all last week on vacation!!! It was such a gift and he blessed me!

I’m loving MaryKay Ultimate Mascara! I never loved a mascara so much in my life and it’s the best. And no…. I’m not a consultant. ;)

I’m loving that my boys have been great all this week since we got home from vacation. It’s made it easy to get all the laundry done and get the house in order.

I’m loving that so many people signed up for my swap and I’m super excited to see what everyone gets!

I’m loving that it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be to organize the swap… Had a few bumps in the road the first day, but since then it has been very easy to manage and organize. (I hope I didn’t just jinx that)

I’m loving that memorial day is this weekend not just because I will have my husband home for a three day weekend (which I love), but also for the fact that our favorite park will have their sprinklers on for the kids to play in.  We will be there most of the summer!

I'm loving my new Tuffo Water-Resistant Outdoor Blanket!!!!  LOVE IT!  Also loving that I paid hardly anything for it, thanks to a gift card ;)
I’m loving how blessed I am to have such a wonderful, hard working husband who makes it possible for me to be a stay at home mom and do fun things with them all summer.

I'm loving that my husband is having such a great time playing softball for the church league and that the boys and I can go to cheer him on every week!  

I’m loving all the amazing ladies out there that speak into my life daily. I’m loving the new friendships I’ve made this past year and all the fellow moms who encourage me and remind me that I’m doing a good job. For so long I thought I didn’t have any friends, but I was so wrong. I am so BLESSED!!!

(I don’t normally talk about my weight on here but I'm pretty proud of myself)
I’m loving that I have lost all my baby weight! Last summer I was 171 and this summer I am back down to 132I'm loving that I fit into my swim suit from two summers ago. I still have lots of toning to go to get my abs back… but a good friend of mine has given me some amazing exercises to help my diastasis recti (the separation of my abdomen muscles). It’s working… because I have a two pack now!
 (Sorry, I wish I had a before and after picture...
from last year to this year.  But I just hated how I looked last year so...
this is what you get.)


Cara S. said...

Smokin Hot Lyr, I am loving that I have 4 days off this weekend and I sure hope I see you at LEAST 1 of those days, if not 2 or 3 or 4.

Unknown said...

You look FABULOUS! Congrats!

Greer's Gossip said...

I am so excited about the swap as well! I am loving learning more about you from your blog and I am so excited you are my partner.
You look great!! Congrats on losing all the baby weight!! Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

tinahead81 said...

i'm loving this post!! :O)

nomo wino daph said...

Oh wow sista, you look great!!!

I love your "LOVING" list:)

Hope things just keep getting better & better-

Stacy said...

love the idea of that blanket, not sure what it is but I like the name of it!! You look GREAT!!

Aishlea said...

You go girl! You look awesome!! Maybe next summer I will tell my weight...after losing all this baby weight! haha.... :) Love your red swimsuit!!

Mrs. Dirnberger said...

Its GREAT to brag on yourself, you look HOT! Now, what was your secret

Brittney Galloway said...

You look great and I love your swimsuit! Congratulations on being at pre baby weight!

On a completely different note, I just wanted to thank you for the Redeeming posts, they sparked great conversations in my husband and I and your story has been an encouragement to us both.

Megan Ashley said...

You look great Lyr! I love that you and the boys can go cheer on that man of yours. How fun! Also loving that blanket, I need to get one :)

Renae said...

You look awesome girl!!! Congrats on losing all the baby weight :-)

Tiff said...

You look amazing!! Hope you have a great Wednesday!

Angie said...

You are looking GREAT lady!! Congrats to you!

I'm always looking for a new mascara to try...thanks for sharing!

Kit said...

YOu look great!!!!

You are loving some great things today! Hope you have a great Wednesday!

Cool Gal said...

You look fantastic. Congrats on losing your "baby weight."

I am excited for a three day weekend, too. My husband works entirely too much, so it will be nice to have him around an extra day.

Last night, I spent a great deal of time reading your story. You really have been through a lot. I am inspired by your courage and your ability to forgive.

Just want to make sure I didn't miss anything with the "swap." We haven't received our partners, right?

Hope you're having a great day!

Kelly said...

Hot mama! You look great! You should be proud! Also, please do share those exercises...I would love to try them.

Beth McC. said...

Sych a fun post! I am going to check out that mascara I have been wanting to try something new!! Congrats on the baby weight

Unknown said...

Love this 'Things you Love' post. So much to love and be grateful for. Thanks for making me think of all the things I love in my life. =)

Joeylee said...

great job on losing weight, you look GREAT! I lost all my prego weight and need to tone back up as well.

Megan said...

Mama, you are looking FABULOUS in your swim suit!

And yay for husbands that let you sleep in. That's the best :)

Thanks for the heads up on the mascara...I'll have to check it out!

Shae said...

You look GREAT!!!
Wonderful things to be loving today.
Happy Wednesday!!!

Maggy said...

congrats! you look great - all that sleeping in must help too :)

Miss Angie said...

Oh my gosh, you look AMAZING! Really, wow! Great job!

See what I'm loving HERE.

Unknown said...

You look awesome!

Melanee said...

looking good lady! and it sounds like you are loving that husband of yours! good for you!

Moments and Impressions said...

You look fabulous! COngratulations - it is hard work getting back into shape with little ones. I love that swim suit.

I have abdominal wall separation too. I can't seem to get it better. I have tried a lot of things. Any suggestions to what has worked for you.

Melissa said...

Girl! You look HOT in that swimsuit!!

Anonymous said...

You look great! Cute suit!

Trina said...

Girl, you look great! I need to know about these exercises because I had 2 c sections!